Golf should be fun to play in a safe and supportive environment whether you are a Club member or not, and irrespective of your age.
If something you see or hear worries or concerns you please have a look at our Safeguarding Policies on the links below:
BGC Safeguarding Policy and Procedures 240218
240620 Safeguarding Appendix 19 members gui
SafeGolf Certificate 2023-2024
240208 Equality Diversion and Inclusion Policy
Our Club’s Welfare Officer is Val Cousin and she can be contacted by emailing:
If you would prefer to speak to Val please click here
Health & Safety
Bakewell Golf Club considers safety as one of our key requirements.
2023 Policy Statements
The Golf Club is committed to achieving the highest standards of health, safety and welfare within its premises and amongst its employees, members and visitors.
To achieve these standards we will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, systems of work and provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of members, visitors and all other people who may be affected by the Club’s activities.
Whilst the Club Committee has a prime responsibility in the management of health and safety, all employees, contractors, members and visitors and other affected persons are expected to act in accordance with Club safety policies. We will encourage active participation of employees and members and will consult and communicate with them and statutory bodies in matters of health and safety.
Organisational Chart
The Committee will ensure:
Sufficient resources are provided.
The Policy is monitored through reviews. Staff Policy awareness through training etc.
Implementation and monitoring the organisations Health & Safety Policy.
Act as Supervisors
Yourself and Colleagues
The Secretary/Head Greenskeeper/Competitions Secretaries will:
Be responsible to the Club Committee for the provision of a safe and healthy working environment for all employees/members.
Provide adequate communication. Employees/Members will:
Be responsible for their own and colleagues health and safety. Each individual should be aware that their own actions could affect others.
Arrangements for Health & Safety
Statutory Data Consultation
Committee Meetings
The Club will comply with all relevant statutory data.
The Club will consult with employees/members regarding safety matters.
The Club will provide sufficient information and guidance to employees/members to prevent risks and avoid hazards.
The Club will provide and maintain in safe condition all buildings, plant equipment and services. Also safe systems of work. It will also ensure the safe use, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of articles and substances. All these commitments will be audited and reviewed to maintain high standards.
Safety will be a nominated topic at all Club Committee Meetings.
All employees, including temporary staff will receive health and safety training to ensure safe methods of working are adhered to at all times.
Risk Assessments
These will be carried out for all activities at each location within operating areas. The significant findings of these assessments will be recorded and brought to the attention of employees/members. Review will be conducted at intervals no greater than 12 months. The assessments will be carried out jointly with employees in order that all hazards and associated risks are identified and subsequent control measures are practicable.
Accident/Near Miss Reporting
All accidents involving injury or property damage will be reported and fully investigated. Near misses should also be reported and investigated. Such investigations must result in positive action being taken to prevent possible recurrence.
Emergency Procedures
These will be developed to assist people to respond quickly and efficiently should a serious accident occur. This will include lists of emergency telephone numbers etc and other information needed in an emergency.
Adequate toilet and washing facilities will be provided along with a First Aid Kit. Items used from the First Aid Kit will be replaced immediately. Notices indicating the location of First Aid equipment will be permanently displayed.
The Policy will be reviewed annually. Last review December 2023.